
Well, WELCOME! just moved our blog here from and we’re so excited to be on our own URL! Looked online and found 325 ways to say WELCOME That’s a lot of ways. We’re so happy that you’ve come to visit us, and keep coming back as we update!

Also in Wallpusher news, we have a new slideshow of our shop from a wonderful photographer:

A picture is worth a thousand words, but these photos are priceless!
Wonderful shots by a phenomenal photographer, Shyla, these were from Our first brainstorming session about how to capture the guitars on film….and Look what wonderful images emerged—thank you Shyla!! If you love guitars, wood, music, art, recycled or “upcycled” creations, and gorgeous photos, you’ll love the Wallpusher Guitar Slideshow by Shyla check out Shyla’s blog, which also details her amazing talent behind the lens.

She did a great job of capturing part of the process….and making these beauties stand out. The photo below also illustrates our adjustable strap  really illustrate the adjustable strap’s potential for players…they can be seen online at  our Wallpusher Etsy Shop.
As always, below is part of the team brainstorming…if you’d like to brainstorm with us, or join the team, check out our upcoming events…we LOVE to share ideas and talk shop!We’re also looking for a space where we can host a music night, let us know if you have a space or know of one! Wallpusher guitar innovations: made by musicians for musicians. Handmade basses and guitars of recycled wood by musicians and artists, craftsmen and woodworkers, your Wallpusher is designed to offer more options on stage, more playability off, and helps music making be more fun, more organic, more yours. Wallpusher adjustable straps, guitars, basses and more can be found at,, and Special thanks to our amazing photographer, Shyla, find her work at she has amazing talent with images and people, and is a talented photography artist we would recommend to everyone! Thank you Shyla for your wonderful work! Thank YOU bloggers (and all who watch this slideshow) keep posted as we update our sites, and keep an eye on new innovations, events, photos, art, music and projects as Wallpusher updates our innovations to the world. REMEMBER: With Wallpusher you can save time, headache, money, AND become the musician, the artist you want to be. With Wallpusher: More playing, more music.

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