Tune in to Guitars

Keep up with the latest guitar news on playing, vintage collecting, and innovative new guitars like Wallpusher. The art of guitars today is “tuned” to several publications. Here are the best places to go for info. Acoustic Guitar is a magazine

founded in 1990.  Consisting of magazines, e-newsletters, digital services and books, it made the leap to an online companion in 1995 (acousticguitar.com).  This site hosts sheet music, song transcripts, reviews and interviews. Guitar World (guitarworld.com) is a magazine located in New York, NY; offering tuning advice and products.  This magazine prints articles on artists/guitarists, rock albums and videos; also blogging on different brands.

Finger Style Guitar (fingerstyleguitar.com) covers all styles and music types of guitars.  Located out of Bedminster, NJ; this magazine is in fact connected with Facebook and Twitter.  While covering all musical genres, Finger Style Guitar features a style of playing that consists of plucking strings with fingers. Vintage Guitar Magazine (vguitar.com) has been published monthly since 1986.  It consists of information/history on instruments, entertainment, interviews and famous players.  Connecting with maintenance, it contains descriptive articles on instruments, gear, music and artists.

Prime and bass acoustic guitars
Image via Wikipedia

TC Guitar Magazine (tcguitar.com) connects musicians to types of playing, tuning, accessories and tips to left handed players.  This publication gives links to buying guitars and guitar lessons. Canadian Musician (canadianmusician.com) has covered Canadian artists, technique, gear and new releases/products since 1979. This publication covers guitar, bass, keyboards, percussion, brass woodwinds; also featuring vocal, song writing, recording, artists, blog and schedule of events.

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